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We, Dean & Louise Hyde (below) are the proud owners of "Hyde Aweigh" a 60' (18.3m) x 12' (3.7m) Dutch Barge built in 2017.
It was our dream to retire early and to travel the UK & Europe and having some great adventures along the way. Louise retired from nursing in the NHS in 2017 and I retired as a fraud investigator in early 2019 and we set sail in spring 2019. Both of us are arty, farty and creative and use our upcyling, recycling techniques to create some thought provoking and eclectic creations from items collected and foraged along the riverbank. We hope that you enjoy our work and that you buy some in order to fund our adventures.
You can always come and visit us at our latest mooring (see our latest posts) and buy the items from us direct (the kettles always on or wine and beer chilling in the fridge) or you can order them online and we can post them out to you.
Either way, we look foward to welcoming you as a lifelong friend and customer.
Kind Regards
Dean & Louise